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Jessica (25) “Never make permanent decisions off temporary emotions.”

Tell me about yourself(what makes you you)

I graduated from MSU with a bachelor’s in psychology. I immediately got hired as a foster care worker when I graduated at twenty-two. I was really thrown into the working world, not to mention one that is very difficult and emotionally draining. I worked as a foster care worker for two years (not sure how I made it that long) and then transferred to become an adoption worker for the same agency. I have been doing adoptions now for seven months, and I love it. Starting this type of career at twenty-two-years-old really shaped me to be the person I am today. The things I've seen and dealt with in my job have taught me a lot of patience, determination, and time management.

How did you start writing?

I've always enjoyed writing, especially when I was in school. Writing is always a large part of school including—-essays and group projects— but I actually enjoyed it all. Now all the writing I do is for the adoptions. I have to write very lengthy and detailed assessments on my [assigned] kids and families with whom I work. I've always been told I am a very good writer— with my attention to detail.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

I think I would pick sushi because it is my favorite food, and I never get sick of it.

What was your last moment of bliss?

My last moment of bliss was a couple weeks ago when I was in L.A. ——visiting my best friend. We were driving through the mountains listening to some positive fun dance music. I couldn't stop smiling, while I felt the warm sun on my face.

Do you have any secret obsessions?

I don't think any of my obsessions are secret. My biggest obsession is ballroom dancing, which I've been doing for seven years.

Is the first impression people have of you accurate?

For the most part, yes, but I think it depends on the setting. When I am teaching dance lessons, a lot of new people think I'm a little too demanding and intimidating.

How would your friends describe you?

My friends would describe me as energetic, always happy, and funny.

If you could meet anyone who would it be?

I would love to meet Yulia Zagoruychenko. Her and her dance partner, Ricardo, are the world champions in Latin. She is my absolute idol when it comes to ballroom dance.

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

It's funny, but when I was little I always told people I was going to be an Author when I grew up. Like I said before, I've always enjoyed writing!

What characteristic do you get complimented on the most?

I think I get complimented most on my ability to stay organized and manage my time efficiently.

What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is going back to school, and picking the wrong profession. I am scared that I will waste my time on a program that I’ll end up not liking once it's all said and done.

What fear have you overcome?

Recently, I've overcome my fear of being alone. Before, I’d never go to the gym by myself, but now that's all I do and I love that I've overcome that fear.

When was the last time you sang out loud?

Every time I am driving alone or showering I am singing out loud.

What thing don't most people know about you?

A lot of people don't know that I have done national research while I was at MSU. I did research on juvenile sex offenders and I got accepted at a national criminal justice conference in New Orleans. I flew there, presented and everything.

What's your greatest achievement?

I think my greatest achievement was when I was a foster care worker and I had my first trial. I was on the stand for an hour being questioned by attorneys and the judge took my recommendations. I also wrote two-hundred pages for my petition for that trial.

What are your hobbies?

My biggest hobby is ballroom dancing. I currently coach the MSU ballroom dance team and compete with my dance partner. Our practice is Monday-Thursday from 10pm-midnight. I am very dedicated and take a lot of pride in improving my dance.

What was your last DIY project?

The last DIY project I did was years ago, and it was mandala rocks. It was very relaxing.

What was your favorite food as a child?

My favorite food as a child was actually miso soup. I basically grew up eating Japanese food.

What place would you like to visit?

I would love to visit Germany.

What is your favorite place to visit?

My favorite place I've visited was New Orleans.

What valuable life lessons have you learned?

I've learned that everything is temporary. The anxiety of a situation, the anger after an argument, the heartbreak from a lover. It is all temporary. And due to this, I

Do you have religious beliefs or a  faith story?

I am not religious at all. When I was little, the gangs burned down the only church in town so we never really had the opportunity. But as I grew up and learned about religion, I made the decision that was not something I believed in.

Who is your hero and why?

My hero is my mom. She was the only person I had when I was little, it was just me and her. She did such a good job raising me, and she went through so much with my birth dad and would always put me first regardless. She is amazing !

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