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Jessica Nash (38)—Caretaker

Caretaker seems to be my role in life. I am a homemaker, academic coordinator, grandmother, and my mother’s guardian.

When I say I’m a homemaker peoples’ reactions seem negative but in fact I do a lot. I don’t sit around all day. I also worked hard before I became a homemaker;I have a double bachelor’s.

What did you study? Psychology and Criminal Justice at Western. I minored in business.

When was the last time you laughed? Well, you’ve already made me laugh.

What’s your favorite thing about being a mom? I love so much that it’s hard to pick one thing, it would be like picking a favorite child. I will say that my belief is that the parent-child love is the only earthly unconditional love that can be obtained. To experience that love is the most amazing thing.

What are your hobbies? Nowadays I don’t have a lot of free time. When I was younger I had a lot of hobbies( like writing poetry and traveling). Now my hobbies are consumed in helping others, spending time with children, and with family. Although I always try to squeeze in one episode of something at night.

Where do you travel? Our family travels in the States. We haven’t taken the kids outside of the country yet. We travel everywhere but try to go places with historical and educational significance. We go to Florida to see my elderly grandfather and to a lot of waterparks.

What are your favorite things discovered while traveling? I love gelato in Baltimore and horchata in Phoenix. I love Boston, it’s the perfect mix of education and fun. There’s lots of history. Random places like restaurants are tied to a story of a president. There’s a good balance there and great vibe.

How did you meet your husband? We had two meetings. I met his kids first, so the first time I met him it was just in passing by. The second time he was going through a divorce and needed help with the kids. I started watching his kids and a friendship evolved. As a new single dad he’d often invite me along on outings to help with the kids. Our relationship from friendship to dating evolved so gradually I couldn’t tell you when are first official date was.

How long have you been together? Twenty-one years and married eight. We waited to get married because he wanted to respect my freedom because of our age gap. He didn’t want me to jump into something too quickly or too young.

How was your journey to motherhood? My dad really embraced feminism, so from a young age I focused on education and getting a career. I never worried about kids. I was unaware of my natural tendency to become a nurturer. My husband’s children changed my mind. I fell in love with them. I became really interested in children and took child psychology classes. They were precious and needed care. I now have three step-children, we adopted my nephew, and we have twins.

Would you ever shave your head? Yes. All because of one powerful moment I had in college. My dad bought me a house, so I wouldn’t have to live in the dorms. The bathroom had a huge ceiling to floor mirror. I’d admire my hair in that mirror. One day I thought back to a terrible haircut I had in fifth grade where the lady chopped my hair off into a boy’s haircut. I thought how devasted I’d be if I lost all my hair. Then I thought how dare I be so vain! My father lost all his hair years before from cancer. That moment I decided to start growing my hair then donate it. If I ever thought I was in a situation where I’d loose my hair I’d shave it off immediately so good hair wouldn’t go to waste.

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? No, I’m naturally interverted. People see me as standoffish until I’m comfortable. I’m terrible at small talk. My husband is extroverted. So when we go out in public I stay on his arm and smile and nod, and let him do the talking.

What reoccurring dream have you had? All my teeth falling out. It’s so uncomfortable!

What physical feature do you get complicated on the most? My hair. Some people will even stroke my hair in public and say it’s so healthy, soft, and compliment my natural highlights.

Have you ever quit a job? Yes, once in college. In high school I worked at a pizza place and loved it. So, the campus pizza place hired me right away for my experience. But I didn’t feel like anyone took me under their wing or properly trained me. They also had this practice of pulling out the breadsticks with their fingers. There were no tongs to use. I’d burn my fingers and had no friends there. I was miserable and I quit so fast, even before my first paycheck. Later on of my friends had a different experience but she was on the register.

Last game you played? I played Skylanders very briefly with my son ( I was filling in for his sister)

. The last full game I played was LOL Surprise Doll game board. My daughter got it for Christmas and the whole family played.

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