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Azhara (20)

I'm originally from Kazakhstan and now I'm studying in Czech Republic. I speak five languages. I'm a vegetarian and I've lived in four different countries.

What are you studying? Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.

What languages do you speak? Russian, Czech, German, Kazak, and English.

How long have you been a vegetarian? Three years. It started as an experiment then I watched a documentary and it became an ethical reason. I learned to eat zucchini and egg plant. My grandmother taught me to cook new recipes and my whole family began to eat more vegetables.

In which countries have you lived? U.S., Kazakhstan, and Czech Republic.

What do you want to do when you graduate? I'd like to do my Master's in Canada, Australia, or the U.S.

What's your biggest fear? Losing people. It's something I haven't experienced before. I cherish all my family and friends so much and I don't want to think about losing them.

Have you ever had a fashion disaster? I once put a rainbow colored sock in my laundry and it changed the color of all the other clothes!

What are your hobbies? Reading, listening to music, and taking walks. I like to wake up early on Sundays when the city is still asleep. I walk around listening to music and enjoy the quiet atmosphere.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? When I was in the eighth grade I read a book about the Island of Tristan da Cunha. It has a population under three hundred people and there are only seven surnames on the island. Everyone knows each other. I've always lived in big cities and I'd love to see a smaller community. It fascinates me.

What was you last moment of bliss? This morning when I passed my hardest exam in my the Anatomy of Farm Animals class. It's a boring class.

When was the last time someone made you laugh? My best friend sent me a photo of me two years ago. She compared me to the secretary in Monsters Inc and it made me laugh.

What was the last fear you overcame? I was nervous to take an exam. I thought maybe I was too dumb or I'd fail because I'm not a native Czech speaker. But I ended up getting 9/10, which was the highest score in the class. Sometimes you need to talk to yourself and believe in yourself.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Getting accepted by FLEX. It changed my point of view. Being seventeen and living abroad changed me.

What is one thing few people know about you? That I crave attention. I can be so shy and closed. My cousin is extroverted and I'm the opposite. I have trust issues and don't open up and sometimes people misinterpret it and think I'm arrogant. I really want friends but

It's just easier when people come to me first. I know it's not how life works all the time.

If you could swap lives with someone who would it be? A celebrity with a good reputation. I'd love to know what it feels like, but just for one day. Constant pressure would't be good.

What are your spiritual beliefs? My family is Muslim. I believe in something supernatural.

What is the last game you played? Tetris, I play with my grandparents and it's bonding time. They have the app on their phone..they are always on their phone even though they're old. My grandpa has more than two thousand points in the game, and my grandmother even has her own Instagram.

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