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Billie-Happy Wife and Mother (and Cover Designer for Just Josephine Series)

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Tell me about yourself(what makes you you)

Sarcasm, being opinionated, a little bit of laughter and a whole lot of coffee! I would say that being a mom is my most important role right now. My son pretty much consumes my life. But one of my favorite life roles so far has been being a wife. I love being with my husband and it makes me feel whole to be called his wife.

Have you ever lived or traveled abroad ?

I have been to Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas and India. My mother-in-law lives in India and we stay with her when we visit. It is very unique to be more than a tourist in such a beautiful country.

Do you have any talents?

Someone once said, “The easiest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” and my husband loves to eat. My husband, Kishore, lived in the US for four and half years before we met, and had very little opportunity for home-cooked meals especially Indian cuisine. So, I took it upon myself to learn how to cook authentic Indian food. It took many phone calls with his sister and a lot of googling, but now I can cook almost all varieties of South Indian dishes.

How did you start your business?

It was pretty simple really, occasionally friends or family members would ask me to edit things for them like photos and/logos and so I just thought I could monetize it by putting myself out there online. Since I am a stay-at-home-mom I have the luxury of taking the projects that interest me and letting others go.

What's your favorite television series and


I don’t really watch TV much, but as far as movies I really enjoy Disney Classics. Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Ice Cream, I haven’t found an ice cream that wouldn’t try. I went to Nevada City this winter and was hoping to try lavender ice cream unfortunately they weren’t serving it.

What was your last moment of bliss? I would have to say becoming a Mom. I know it is so cliché. But it changes you so much and you are completely clueless about what is ahead of you, but none of that matters when you see your child for the first time. And when you are able to wrap them in your arms there is nothing in the world quite like it.

Is the first impression people have of you accurate?

Most people think I am much younger than I am. Not that it’s a bad thing. It makes it easy to keep my age a secret.

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

I wanted to be a Salvation Army officer. And I was for sometime. I love the mission of the Salvation Army helping others out of your faith in God. It is the purest form of faith in action in my opinion.

What feature /quality do you get complimented  on the most?

I have my dad’s blue eyes and I have had complete strangers walk up to me just to tell me that they think my eyes are beautiful. That is always a little uncomfortable and I am never quite sure how to respond.

What is your biggest fear?

I think I must have clinical anxiety because I am afraid of a lot of things. But my biggest fear is being separated from my son. I can’t imagine him having to go through life without his mom and I know I couldn’t live without him now.

What fear have you overcome?

Having been a Salvation Army officer I had to overcome my fear of public speaking. I would have never thought that I could address crowds larger than my family (I have two brothers and two sisters, so it was always a full house), but I was able to deliver a sermon every Sunday.

When was the last time you sang out loud?

I sing out-loud all the time. I have a toddler, so we sing many songs all day long! One of his favorites right now is in Tamil so I  really have no idea what I am singing, but its fun to make up the words as I go along.

What's your greatest achievement?

Giving birth to my son. I waited until a little later in life so I am so happy that I was able to become a mom!

What's your biggest regret?

I try to live with no regrets, but I do wish I could have met my husband sooner in life. I feel like we could have had so much more fun together when we were still in high school and college.

What are your hobbies?

I love photography.  I am a “momtographer.” I mostly learned to use a DSLR so that I could take nice pictures of my son.

Have you ever been star-struck?

Not that I think of. I have never met anyone famous, except for Jaime Grace she was so down to earth that I don’t think anyone would feel star-struck she was very sweet.

What is your favorite place to visit?

I love to travel so it is really hard to pick a favorite. Many of the places have their own novelty.  Here are a few mentionable places.

-Death Valley, California was the most unique, due to the lack of rain everything resembles death or dormancy it is best described as “beauty from death”.

-Maui, Hawaii is the most relaxing place I have been. Life moves at a slower pace and you are completely surrounded by nature.

-Lake Tahoe, California is in my opinion the most beautiful place I have been. Summer, fall, winter or spring absolutely breath-taking.

-Mysore, Karnataka, India is very majestic, the Palace speaks of its former glory and how radiant it must have been in the days of the Kings.

What valuable life lessons have you learned that you can pass on?

The direction you think your life should go may not be the best direction for your life. When I was in high school I thought I had my life planned out, I knew exactly the path I was going to follow. I am so happy to be where I am today, but it is miles from where I thought I would be. And the order of how it all happened was more like a labyrinth than a path.

Do you have religious beliefs ?

I definitely believe there is a God. I don’t know which religion is closest to knowing and explaining who God is. Most religious people would agree that you can’t put God in a box, but somehow we think we can summarize God and make him the center of our teachings. As if we carry God around in our pocket to show him to others.  There are many connections between the major world religions and I believe that is because it is the same God revealing himself to different people(s) in unique ways. Every eyewitness has their own story to tell of an incident and God is no different. We each have our own story to tell about who God is and what he is capable of.  Religion becomes a problem when too many people start putting their spin on who God is. I believe if you are seeking the truth, the truth will find you.

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