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Dawn Marie Rowley( 42)--kind-hearted

Tell me about yourself

I'm a crafter and artist. I love to cook, fish, and spend time outside.

What have you made that makes you really proud?

My Jack skeleton from Nightmare Before Christmas.

When's the last time you sang out loud?

This morning in my car--Someone you Loved.

What are your pet peeves?

Liars, hypocrites, and impatient people.

What was your last moment of bliss?

Talking to my uncle about horse back riding later this year. (I can't wait, it's been thirty-seven years since I've been on a horse!)

When was the last time someone made you laugh?

My coworker, today at work. She startled me because I didn't know she was next to me, then when I realized what happened I couldn't stop laughing.

What person would you swap lives with for one week? My friend Elizabeth Fisher because she had kids and lives in England. I'd love to travel but can't.

If you had to shave your head for any reason what would it be? I would shave my head to show support of a friend with cancer or to donate my hair to make wigs for cancer patients.

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