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Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Dites-moi de vous, qu'est-ce qui vous fait vous?Tell me about yourself. What makes you you?

Ce qui me caractérise, c’est la cohabitation de deux traits de caractère très différents : d’un côté je suis assez carrée, je suis souvent qualifiée de rigoureuse voire perfectionniste, de l’autre je suis rêveuse, hypersensible et assez artiste dans l’âme. Je peux être très tête-en-l’air.

What makes me me is a mix of two different personality traits : on one hand I'm a rigorous or even perfectionist, but on the other hand I’m a dreamer, super sensitive and have an artistic side. 

Est-ce qu’avez-vous déjà voyagé ou vécu à l'étranger?

Have you ever traveled or lived abroad? 

Oui, seulement pour les vacances. Les pays plus marquants ont été la Grèce, les USA et le Canada.

Yes, only for holidays. The greatest were Greece, USA and Canada.

Quels sont votre talents?What are your talents?

Photography and cooking. I used to dance and to play the piano but I stopped while I was a student.

Quel a été votre dernier moment de bonheur? What was your last moment of bliss? 

Je suis toujours particulièrement heureuse quand j’arrive enfin à prendre une décision dont je suis sûre qu’elle est la bonne, et que cela se confirme ensuite.

I’m always particularly happy when I can finally make a choice which I’m sure is the right one, and when it turns out that it was the right one.

Quelle est votre plus grande réussite?What’s your greatest achievement? 

My family

Quelle personne aimeriez-vous rencontrer?What person would you like to meet? 

I have already met him (my husband).

A votre avis quelles sont les plus grandes différences entre les cultures française et américaine?In your opinion what are the biggest differences between French and American cultures?

En fait, les différences entre les cultures françaises et américaines tendent à s’amenuiser depuis des dizaines d'années. Notre mode de vie à commencé à ressembler de plus en plus à celui des Américains, notamment en ce qui concerne les habitudes de (sur)consommation et d’affirmation de soi. 

En revanche, alors qu’en Europe la sauvegarde de la planète devient un sujet omniprésent, et que les Français tentent d’adopter une attitude éco-responsable en dénonçant ce mode de vie surconsommateur, il semble que les Américains restent dans l’illusion qu’ils seront toujours à l’abri chez eux. Ils ne sont pas aidés à penser autrement, à partir du moment où leur gouvernement lui-même remet en cause, par exemple, le réchauffement climatique, alors que la communauté scientifique mondiale (y compris américaine) est unanime sur ce problème. 

Les deux cultures restent assez similaires cependant quant à leur fierté : les Américains se pensent plus puissants que tout le monde, les Français se pensent plus intelligents que tout le monde ! Au final, ils commettent les mêmes erreurs, mais comme on dit en France, l’erreur est humaine.

In fact these differences have decreased over the decades. Our way of life tends to look more and more like the American’s way of life, especially concerning consumer habits and self confidence.

But, in Europe, saving the Earth has become a major issue, and while French people try to change and be more responsible, the Americans tend to think that they will always be safe in their country, against the rest of the world. It’s not their entire fault because their own government denies scientific studies. One example is global warming—which is a fact now admitted by the worldwide scientific community.

The two cultures stay, however, similar concerning people’s pride : Americans think that they are the most powerful, the French think that they are the most intelligent ! In the end they make the same mistakes but, as we say, to error is human.

Quel est votre rêve pour l'avenir? What is your dream for the future? 

Je rêve d’un monde où les gens seraient moins égoïstes.

I dream of a world where humans would be less selfish.

About me: Just celebrated my 30th birthday! I have 2 adorable girls and an amazing husband. 

 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

French fries no doubt! 🍟 

What was your last moment of bliss? 

Celebrating my daughter's birthday who made me a mom 4 years ago.

Do you have any secret obsessions? 

Junk food! I love sweets...cookies, cakes, brownies!

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? I would say so. I’m friendly and outgoing 

How would your friends describe you?

Funny, not afraid to ask anything or say anything.

What did you dream of becoming as a child? 

A teacher and that’s what I am today!

What characteristics do you get complimented on the most?

Is cooking a characteristic? 

What fear have you overcome? 

I wish I have overcome my fear of me leaving my kids too early but I haven’t.

When was the last time you sang out loud? Today, rocking my baby to bed! 

What thing don't most people know about you? My anxiety of fear of my health.  

What's your greatest achievement? Becoming a mommy of two.

What are your hobbies? 

Shopping, walking, tennis, and being around family. 

What place would you like to visit? Any part of the Caribbean’s 

What’s your favorite place to visit?  Paris 

Do you have religious beliefs or a  faith story? 

I became a true believer my freshman year of college 2012 and the rest of my story fell perfectly in place. I met my wonderful husband, who is a believer, one month after finding Jesus.

What’s the most interesting thing you learned this week?

That school will be cancelled the rest of the year (never ever would I have thought school would be closed for months).

What was your first job?  What do you do now?

Babysitting. Part-time teacher and raising my kids.

What is your superpower? (everyone has at least one!)

Taking care of the house and making it look nice while raising two toddlers!

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