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Tell me about yourself(what makes you you)

The things that make me are love and pain. Love and loving has made me kind. Pain has made me strong.

What's your favorite television series and movie? My favorite television series is Friends; my favorite movie is Pulp Fiction.

What was your last moment of bliss? My last moment of bliss was when I believed my girlfriend and I could be together forever. [Sadly that was not the case.]

Do you have any secret obsessions? All of my obsessions are completely public. I have a medical condition that makes it that I am unable to lie or deceive.

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? The first impression people have of me is generally not accurate. I am an introvert, and it takes me a minute to show my true self. How would your friends describe you? My friends describe me as brutally logical.

What did you dream of becoming as a child? I wanted to be a firefighter.

What physical feature do you get complimented on the most? My chest.

What is your biggest fear?My biggest fear is hurting my family by my selfishness.

What fear have you overcome? Death. I was dead for three minutes, and then they started my heart again, and now I am alive.

When was the last time you sang out loud? I sang out loud today.

What thing don't most people know about you?Most people do not know that I am a fire-dancer.

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