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Gledjan— Social Media Manager—Future Copywriter

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Hmmm, Let me think. I have been obsessed badly with fried potatoes since I was a child. 

What was your last moment of bliss? 

Coming home from college to meet my parents and grandparents after three months. I did not realize how much I had missed them during this time, although it might seem short. 

Do you have any secret obsessions? 

Secret obsessions? Well, I am not sure whether it can be called a secret obsession or not but there are times when I get so close and familiar with people that I just want to hug them. Sounds silly, but I must suffer from an excessive love disease or something. (If that does not exist, I'm inventing it.)

Is the first impression people have of you accurate?

Most of the time no. And I believe I know the reason behind it. I am not the kind of person who talks a lot. I am quiet most of the time and therefore it is easier to come up with the wrong impression for someone like me than for someone who talks a lot. 

I appear to be focused into what is in front of me, but in reality my mind is miles away.

How would your friends describe you?

A quiet guy, who doesn't speak a lot unless you ask him. 

What did you dream of becoming as a child? 

Well, I did not dream as most of the boys to be a soccer player. And that must be weird! That's what they say to me. 

I have always liked technology and robotics. I used to watch TV shows and documentaries about them and I told myself I would become a scientist to invent my own sophisticated robots. Haha. It seems so silly when I think about it now. But who knows, maybe something lies in the future.

What characteristics do you get complimented on the most?

There is one characteristic on which I get complimented the most—That is being able to stay quiet and stay calm. People do not actually realize it is not because of my effort, but because of my natural tone of voice. 

What is your biggest fear? 

Not being able to make all the people around me happy before it's too late.

What fear have you overcome? 

Aside from walking alone in the dark (which is still scary sometimes) I am overcoming my fear of speaking in front of a big audience and unknown people— I feel it's a great milestone for me.

When was the last time you sang out loud? 

Haha. Well, I usually do that when I am in a state of extreme happiness(like now) and it was this morning while I was cooking breakfast.

What thing don't most people know about you? 

How sensitive I am at times and how much I overthink stuff. 

What's your greatest achievement? 

This question strikes me a little since until now I haven't achieved anything big of which I can be proud of. I hope that I would be able soon to join the community of entrepreneurs out there and write my own book in the near future, improve my skills and help more the people around me, but for now the only achievement I can count is being able to get a good job for a while to pay my college expenses by myself.

What are your hobbies? 

That’s an easy one! I love learning languages. I aspire to be a poly(or why not a hyperpoly) -glot.I also like: reading,writing, social media, internet marketing, photography, programming, web development, watching movies and listening to good music.

What was your last DIY project?

I tried to make a homemade peg out of my used Coca Cola bottles(which was fun). But before that I tried making a home aromatizer out of a fan and soap, and I tried making a little generator out of my childhood toys to recharge my phone during windy days.The latter was a few years ago and as you might think it was a failure! 

What was your favorite food as a child?


What is one place you'd like to visit? 

Cappadocia,Turkey. ( It’s known for its hot-air balloons and they have gotten stuck into my mind)

What is your favorite place to visit? 

Ohrid (Close to Albania)

What valuable life lessons have you learned?

Times have changed. Life is no longer about working harder, but about working smarter. Time is the most precious thing. Make sure you spend it doing the right things, staying close to the right people. 

Do you have religious beliefs or a faith story? 

I do believe in some way in a superior being or force but I do not practice any religion. To me is  enough just that, if you do everything in your life as if you are being judged by an impartial judge is enough. Everything beyond is exaggerated.

How did you meet your spouse?

I haven’t . I'm still can put a link somewhere for me to be contacted!😋

Who is your hero and why?

Although now my opinions have changed, growing up, my aunt has always inspired me with her sacrifices, she has taught me many  important lessons which lead me in the way I am now. So, she remains my hero.

What’s the most interesting thing you learned this week?

I was reading some interesting facts and one mentioned that sharks can live up to five centuries! Wow, that's quite interesting actually!

Who’s your favorite fictional character and why?

It is now and always will be Garfield. I will never stop loving his movies.

What was your first job?  What do you do now?

I used to work as a telesalesman. Now I am Social Media Manager and Internet Marketer.

If money were no issue, what passion would you follow?

Learning languages, travelling the world and reading and writing novels. Greater satisfaction can't be found elsewhere!

What skill would you most like to develop and why?

Copywriting, because it helps you escape the  9 to 5 , be independent, put my creativity to work and have more freedom.

What is your superpower?

Okay, mine..... Let's call it patience.

What was the last thing that surprised you?

I tried to cook for the first time and it was edible! That surprised me a lot!

What’s your favorite scent and why?

It's a colonge I used to have five years ago. That scent is tied with memorable events but I haven't found the name of it. Maybe one day if I find the empty bottle, take it to the shop and get another bottle of it.

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