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Haruka—Artist—Hero—and Loves Disney

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Tell me about yourself.

So since I started living in Seattle, I had an amazing friend named, Dorothy. She has lots of followers on instagram and she also posts my picture pretty often because we hang out a lot. Because of that, when I’m just walking around my neighborhood, sometimes random people say “Hey, are you a Dorothy’s friend—Haruka? I see you a lot on her instagram story!! Nice to meet you.” 

I didn’t expect to be famous in this way.

What was your last moment of bliss? 

It was just few days ago. I designed a t-shirt for the first time! I drew two of my best friends and myself on the design because I miss them so much and I put a logo on it says “Kill This Love”. It is a song name by Black Pink. I chose it because we listen this song almost every time we drink.

Do you have any secret obsessions? 

Yes. I wanna make over my room so bad!! After this quarantine, I will immediately go to goodwill and get vintage mirrors and old books ect…. I wanna do some vintage style. I’m in love with vintage stuff these days.

How would your friends describe you? 

Tall, arty girl, not like other Japanese people.

What did you dream of becoming as a child? 

I once dreamed to be a superstar because I used to watch Hannah Montana every single day!

What characteristics do you get complimented on the most? 

People usually say that they like my style and hair color. (I used to dye my hair like two times in a month.)

What is your biggest fear? 

Being honest.

What fear have you overcome? 

I didn’t really like to eat with people who were not close friends of mine. I felt so much pressure—like what should I talk about? I worried something would come out from my mouth when I talked. There were tons of things to think about while I ate and I really hated it. But these days, I’m overcoming this fear. I still prefer eating alone but I’m trying to keep working on it.

When was the last time you sang out loud? 

It was just a few days ago when all of my roommates were out. I sang “Ride” by Lana Del Rey. That song makes me wanna be free and I was completely free when I was singing that. 

What thing don't most people know about you? 


What are your hobbies? 

I’ve loved drawing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I watch movies a lot, and I’ve been practicing playing the ukulele, too. I also have been collecting Disney princess goods and my current toothbrush is Rapunzel.

What place would you like to visit?

Italy!! I actually have visited twice but I was too young to understand the beauty of overseas. So I wanna visit there again someday and wanna go to art museums .

What valuable life lessons have you learned? 

Do whatever you wish to, but only if it is the right thing to do now.

Who is your hero and why? 

It is kinda weird to say but my hero is actually me! I feel like I have many kinds of “me” inside myself— they have a big debate when I’m struggling with something—llike the movie Inside Out. There is a one who would whisper “Hey, you will be fine. What about doing plan B instead? That looks more productive.”

I don’t listen to her all the time even when she is right. But because of her I can stand up and do stuff. It’s all me, I’ve done all by myself.

What’s the most interesting thing you learned this week? 

I learned how to do ZOOM!

Who’s your favorite fictional character and why? 

Edward Scissorhands. He is the kindest, cutest, sexiest, and saddest character. Also I love Dwight Schrute from the Office. He is the most hilarious and funniest human being I’ve ever seen.

What skill would you most like to develop and why? 

I would develop the skill not to be awkward at a big party with lots of strangers.

What is your superpower?

My superpower would be “listening”. I’m good at listening people.

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