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Holly (31)

Tell me about yourself. I used to be a journalist. I conducted so many interviews for T.V. news, and newspapers. (I’m not used to being the one answering questions.)

I come from a small community. I have a college degree. I have a passion for writing. I’m surprise that I am a work at home mom now. Though I don’t stay still.

What work do you do at home? I’m a website manager. I also manage social media. I do a little consulting. For the last few months I’ve been building up my business. I make lip balm, body butter, cuticle oil, and other natural skin care products.

What was your last moment of bliss?My happiest moments are with my kids. When my baby gives me a big grin nothing is better than that. Are peoples first impressions of you accurate? Probably not. I think It depends on their experiences and what they bring to the table. For example people in the urban area where I like are used to dealing with a certain population. I don’t want to over generalize but many are used to working with the less educated. They often assume that I am not educated. What is one thing people don’t know about you? I lived in Ireland for a semester. I’ve also been to Egypt. I am generally an open book. I have anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

What did you see in Egypt? I’ve been to one of the pyramids. We actually climbed on it even though I don’t think we were supposed to. We saw the sphinx from a distance. It was very hot in April. It was a bit of a cultural shock because they have traffic cops to guide the cars but people do what they want.One freaky thing that happened was at the airport. As soon as we arrived we were picked up by the airport shuttle. Before we drove away the police knocked on the window and demanded that the driver pay them. They seem to have targeted us as Westerners. There was less culture shock for me and Italy, Spain, and France.

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Chocolate. Though I’d probably get sick.

What are your dreams for the future? I have so many. Right now we live in a small house. I would like to have a home that’s a little bigger. I would like to live in the woods with lots of property. I would love to wander in the woods by my house. I would like chicken, goats, and geese. I’d also like to travel. I’ve seen people live in RVs or tiny homes and they get to travel freely across the country. But we’re not minimalist, so that would be difficult.

When was the last time you cried? I cried a little last night because a character was dying on Lost Girl.

Who’s your hero? I take inspiration from a lot of people: my sister, my friends, my kids, and my mom.

What are your spiritual beliefs? I was raised Catholic but as I’ve gotten older I went agnostic to atheist to cynical. Right now I desperately want to believe in something. I have so much anxiety, particularly anxiety about death. It’s severe. I think religion helps people to cope. I wish I had faith to bring me to that belief. When I was agnostic I wanted to believe I was spiritual but I didn’t know what was right. I have spirituality but in a reference for nature. I haven’t given up on myself yet. I hope to find something that resonates. I have a 4 1/2-year-old who asks questions that I can’t truly answer.

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