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Jacqueies Thomas (42) Short and powerful

Tell me your faith story 

I grew up in the church. My relationship grew in my latter years. We knew the guidelines: how to look, walk, and talk like a Christian. In my adult years I learned about a relationship with Christ. It happened when our pastor closed the church. My husband and I were out of a spiritual leader. We had to go to our heavenly father for guidance instead of to the pastor. As we began to do that, God removed the shackles of religion. I realized that there was nothing I could do to make God love me more or love me less.

What is one thing you have learned through marriage?We were married at nineteen and twenty.Twenty-two years later we are totally different people. We love differently because we are different.  I’ve learned that you’ll never reach the ‘I’ve made it realm’. Each year, month, and day bring something new. You grow and fall in love all over again.

What have you learned through motherhood? When my children were born I loved them as babies. Now I am learning to love them as bigger kids, teens, and young adults. I grow with them.

What have you learned from having a child with downs syndrome? Not to put limits on them. When they are born you’re told all their limitations. You’re told what they will never be able to do. I learned to trust God. Aaron continues to blow my mind. When he was little they said he wouldn’t run or communicate, but he’s been part of track team for five years now. He won first place in the Special Olympics race. He has also led a worship song at church.

What was your last moment of bliss? Today, when I was riding around in the car with my kids. They were making jokes and I didn’t have to rush to get anywhere.

What is your dream for the future? To build a community center where our ministry is children. We want them to feel loved and have a place where they can talk without feeling judgment, where they can experience God’s love. Right now there’s not much outside of school for kids to go.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? My children. It is a privilege to see them flourish with their relationship with Christ.

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