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Kathy—My identity in Christ

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Veggie salad! It can be prepared in so many different ways.

What was your last moment of bliss?Worshipping God

Do you have any secret obsessions?If I did I wouldn't tell!

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? No, because I am multifaceted.

How would your friends describe you? Passionate, bubbly.

What did you dream of becoming as a child? I wanted to have a cat farm.

What is your favorite physical feature? My smile.

What feature do you get complimented on the most?My size [being petite].

What fear have you overcome? Rejection

When was the last time you sang out loud? Today I sang on the Worship team at church!

What thing don't most people know about you?That I feel like I have the flu every single day.

What's your greatest achievement?Realizing that my true identity is in Christ. It has been so freeing!

What's your biggest regret?Not having experienced my true identity sooner.

What are your hobbies? I haven't had a hobby in a long time but if I did it would hiking, camping, painting, traveling, dancing and writing.

What was your last recurring dream?Visiting my grandmother's house.

How did you meet your husband?I met Jeff at a church dinner.

What person would you like to meet?Jesus of course, but if you mean a normal human being I would have to say there are too many amazing people to narrow it down to. Top of my list would be: Apostle Paul, Apostle John, Martin Luther, William Wilberforce, Francis Chan, John Piper, and  David Pratt.

What was your last DIY project? I managed to do a complete house remodel with a thousand-plus square feet addition.

What was your favorite food as a child?Chocolate cake and  fried pork chops. Growing up we could pick dinner and cake for our birthday. That's what I picked every year for the longest time.

What place you'd like to visit? Yosemite Park.

What’s your favorite place to visit? Jackson Hole Wyoming.

If you were famous what would it be for?Fighting for some just cause.

What valuable life lessons have you learned? My three most important lessons are as follows; Number one : anything of great value doesn't happen overnight!  A farmer has to cultivate his crop and wait until the harvest. A mother has to patiently cultivate wholesome character in her child and wait to see the fruits of her labor until her child grows into adulthood. A rewarding marriage takes time to cultivate trust and love between each other.

Number two: Deep relationships are extremely important for a truly rewarding life. Number three: Patience, commitment, and plain hard work are needed for all of the above.

What’s your faith story?

The lessons I have shared are all a part of my faith story. God used my relationships with others to refine me and draw me unto himself and to cultivate within me a deep sense of security, freedom, hope, and peace. I hope to pen the full story of my journey with Christ in the near future.

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