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Kristin—Happy Wife and Mother— “Choose joy or wallow in the bad.”

Tell me about yourself(what makes you you) ​I am a Christian. I am a wife of my dear hubby. We met and high school and have been married for almost fifteen years. I am a Mommy to two adorable children ages six (Traven) and four (Karissa). I'm also a dog mommy to three fur babies (Snickers, Milky Way, and crazy Twix).

What is favorite television series/movie? ​This is a hard question, as I have lots of favorites. For television, I love 24 and Lost. But I also love a lot of older television shows like Dick Van Dyke, That Girl, Bewitched, etc. I can't think of a favorite movie but it's safe to say most anything Disney or scary.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? ​If calories didn't count, I would choose pizza. I love all the different toppings, cheeses, crusts, etc. But, if calories did count, I would choose Chipotle salads. I love their fresh choices and spicy salsa. Now I'm hungry!

What was your last moment of bliss? ​Troy and I just got back from a cruise to celebrate our anniversary early. I would say that was truly blissful. We dearly missed our kiddos but getting away just the two of us was a wonderful treat.

Do you have any secret obsessions? ​Scary movies and rap music. I love a good physiological thriller and can rap "Gangsta's Paradise" with the best of them.

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? ​Yes, I think so. The only thing you may not be able to tell by first impression is if I'm having a bad day. I hide that really well.

How would your friends describe you? ​I hope they would describe me as optimistic, organized, and happy.

If you could meet anyone who would it be?

​I would love to meet Walt Disney and learn more about him and how he came up with all of his creative ideas. I would almost like to ask him what he thinks about the parks as a lot of them were completed after his death.

What did you dream of becoming as a child? ​I wanted to be a teacher when I was young and did so when we were first married. But most importantly, I wanted to be a Mom. It took us about 5 years to get pregnant with our first and that was a big struggle. I'm very thankful that God has blessed us with two kids and I get the privilege of being their Mommy. What feature do you get compliment the on the most? ​Probably my long natural blonde hair.

What is your biggest fear? ​Losing those I love.

What fear have you overcome? ​I have gotten better with heights. I love roller coasters and rides but still wouldn't like standing or being still at tall height.

When was the last time you sang out loud?

​I have two little kids which means singing outloud most days. The last time was this morning, jamming out to Into the Woods from Frozen 2 in the car.

What thing don't most people know about you? ​I can come off as pretty extroverted if you know me well, but I'm actually an introvert. I describe myself as an extroverted introvert. If I am comfortable, I'm very outgoing but if I'm not, I'd rather hide in the corner by the plant.

What's your greatest achievement?

​Professionally, I would stay student teaching and my teaching degree senior project. In life, I would say getting married and having kids.

What's your biggest regret? ​Not helping my Mom more when I was growing up. Now that I am a Mom, I see how much Moms carry. I wish I would have been more helpful to her around the house.

What are your hobbies?

Shopping, movie watching, organizing

What was your last recurring dream? ​I used to have two recurring dreams as a kid. One was that I was on an escalator but it started going too fast and I flew off. The other is that my parents and I were staying in a hotel and on the T.V. was a scary movie of me being chased by someone. We couldn't turn the T.V. off and we had to watch it. How did you meet your husband? ​I met Troy in high school our sophomore year. We had drama class together. We didn't start dating until college though. What was youLast DIY project? ​I'm not really a huge DIY-er. I'm too much of a perfectionist that it doesn't make DIY stuff fun for me. But I did paint our china cabinet years ago and have painted various rooms in our old house. What's your favorite part of your weekly routine? ​Eating together as a family for dinner. I think that will continue to be my favorite part because we are all sitting and there aren't any toys or electronics to distract us. I also love late at night when everyone is asleep. I'm a night owl so I use this time to read, watch something, or organize. What place would you like to visit? ​I would love to go to an all-inclusive place somewhere tropical. I would also love to go to Hawaii someday. What’s your favorite place to visit? ​Disney World will always rank up there as my favorite place to vacation. If you were famous what would it be for? ​I have absolutely no desire to be famous. That would be such a hard life I think and people would be too much in my business. HA! What valuable life lessons have you learned? ​To choose joy—It's my motto. No matter what happens in life to us or around us, we have the choice. We can either choose joy or wallow in the bad. It's 100% up to us. I choose joy. Do you have religious beliefs or a  faith story?

I am a born again Christian. I asked Jesus into my heart at the age of four and continued learning as a grew up what that meant. He is my Savior and I am grateful for his faithfulness.

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