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Lauren Clarke(38)—Studying Library Sciences

Tell me about yourself

 I’m a graduate student in Library Sciences. I took gap decade before finishing my Bachelor’s degree, making me a nontraditional student at MSU. I currently live with my husband on seven acre mini farm. I dance with Habibi dancers(Arabic for sweetheart). They’re like my own tribe. Once a week I get together with twenty-five of my friends.

Who’s your hero? I don’t have any heroes but I recently read Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. I admire her.

She didn’t want to be in politics; it was her husband’s dream but she was supportive and stayed strong. She handled everything with grace. Family was important to her. She had her daughters make their own beds, and her mom lived with them in The White House.  Her life parallels with mine and Troy’s. Troy and I always supported each other and allow the other to be independent and pursue dreams even though we are a committed couple. 

When was the last time you sang out loud? I sing constantly, I work in the library and you can tell everyone is happy because they all walk around singing. I also sing to my pets... whatever song is in my head.

Tell me about your background in music.

 I have a family who appreciates music. My father plays guitar and sings. I didn’t like it as a child but as a teenager I became interested in playing guitar. I was very depressed  in my teen years and I needed an anthem to sing that was about being depressed and angry. I needed to know I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. 

When was the last time someone made you laugh? I laugh a lot. I’m surrounded by humorous people. My husband and my coworkers are very funny. Laughing is like a defense mechanism. At work we get into a lot of ‘would you rather”. Recently I was asked “Would you rather date a circus clown or date a rodeo clown?” I chose the circus clown because the rodeo clown is more likely to be missing more teeth, gets beat up a lot, and has more broken bones.

What is the last game you played? Memory. Troy’s family was big into playing games, mine was not. I like memory but Troy has a sixth sense for where the cards are and he always wins. Last game we played I beat him for the first time in sixteen years!

What’s your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings trilogy. I saw all three in the theater multiple times. When someone dies I watch it with Troy; it’s a comforting thing. I like the fantasy genre. 

What’s your favorite book? When I was younger I liked Beauty from Robin Mckinely. 

Jane Erye is my favorite now. As a kid I also read The Little House on the Prairie every summer. It has influenced my thought process. I like gardening and learning to sew because of it. 

What fear have you overcome? None and I have so many!

 I guess I have overcome one—letting myself be myself. I was picked on in high school and held myself back and was more private. Now I let my freak flag fly! People are going to have their judgements, now I don’t worry so much. I love all people. I have friends across the rainbow. I love everyone and their differences and hope that people can accept my differences. 

What’s the most interesting place you’ve been? Japan. One of my best friends Miki  is from Japan. For her wedding, Troy and I flew there. We went to volcanic area and cooked an egg on the sulfuric hot spot. It turned black! 

The area is so different than what you see here in the States, including the trees. The people are different.I’m about a foot taller than everyone and stick out. They are so nice and it’s very safe. All the signs are in English so it’s a very easy place to navigate if you don’t speak the language. I recommended visiting Japan.

Are you spiritual? I am spiritual. I’ve never been one for organized religion or going to church... willingly. My spirituality is more private. I’ve searched for answers and felt unsatisfied. But, I think of some things that have had happened to me and can’t think that there’s nothing out there. The biggest mistake is rejecting others for their beliefs because you don’t know how they feel. I have a questioning mind. After something astounding I still question if it really happened. In nature is when I feel most spiritual like when I’m alone in the woods. 

You have a moment and you ask God to give you a sign and you get one or a coincidence that happens. I look for signs a lot and ponder the meaning. For example, I had a dream after my grandfather died and he was apologizing to me about his dementia. He said “I m sorry I wasn’t myself.” I woke up and I had peace he was okay. 

What is your biggest achievement?

My marriage is my one big achievement. I saw myself getting married some day but after my career, not when I was younger. But it’s one of those things that happen and you don’t necessarily have control when it happens. 

What is one regret? Wasted energy worrying on things that never came to fruition.

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