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Rachael— teacher, secretary, chef, and nurse

Tell me about yourself(what makes you you)

All my life experiences have made me who I am—life experience, my personality, and God’s plan.

We moved a few times growing up. People are a big part of what makes me me. I have two sisters and my parents. Moving was always hard. I had an easy time making friends but it was hard to leave friends behind. As an adult when we started to move to California I remembered how much I don’t like moving.

What’s your favorite television show or movie?

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with the Great British Baking Show. I like watching people bake. I also like home shows and DIY shows. I like to see people take something not so fabulous and make something out of it. I don’t have time for movies.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Ice cream, since it’s a dream scenario we’ll go with that. Though, I love Mediterranean and Indian food too.

What was your last moment of bliss?  When I have time to myself in the house or car.

Do you have any secret obsessions? I think of secret obsessions as something you put a lot of time into and I don’t have a lot of time for things. But I’ve always liked trains—it’s my secret interest. I always tell the kids everything I know about trains when we’re waiting for one.

When I was younger I was obsessed with skating. I was a figure skater and I’d wear my leotard to school because I didn’t want to waste time getting dressed at the rink. Pioneers are also another secret obsession.

What did you want to be as a child? In fourth grade, I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. I loved swimming. When I was in high school I wanted to be a knee surgeon. My dad was a doctor and knees were interesting to me. Then I realized I was terrible at chemistry. At MSU I was focusing on being a sports trainer but still had trouble with chemistry. Then I switched to a nutritionist...more chemistry. Then I was a French major but I didn’t know what to do with that so I switched to Parks and Rec for a while but then I just wanted to graduate so I graduated with a Community Relations degree. Then I started working in a nursing home.

What’s your Faith story?

While I was at MSU, I struggled. Sometimes you need to be at the bottom before you except Christ. I was searching and wondered— What was the point of life? I met my fiancé who grew up going to church and he shared the gospel with me. We read together and he shared scripture with me. I started growing as a baby Christain. One night he told me about the devil, and I said—You mean he’s real? It was like a light bulb went off and I realized there’s a whole spiritual world around us.

Christy, a girl who worked at the nursing home with me, started mentoring me. On spring break I began to understand the lordship of [conversion]and started living for Christ. I moved out of the house where I had lived with my fiancé and moved in with Christy.

How’d you meet your husband? Through the college ministry. We dated almost two years then got engaged on spring break in 2005. We were engaged for three months then got married in June.

What’s your profession?

After we had two kids I started working as a nurse then I got pregnant again and decided to stay at home. Now I’m the teacher, secretary, chef, and nurse for my family!

Is the first impression people have of you accurate? Yes, because people generally say I’m transparent.

How would your friends describe you? Outgoing, transparent, and friendly.

If you could meet anyone who would it be? Jesus...that’s who all Cristains want to meet right?

I always wanted to meet figure skaters, Kristy Yumaguchi and Nancy Kirigan.

Did you want to compete in the Olympics? No, I liked the comorodury but I didn’t enjoy competition or being in the spotlight.

What is your favorite physical feature? My eyes

What is your biggest fear? I’m very anxious and get angry sometimes.  My mother in-law always said anger is because of fear.God has shown me my anger has come from a lot of insecurities. A bible app, Roots of Anger helped me. But as I’ve looked at it more—insecurity, unfulfilled dreams—I realized my biggest fear is failure and presents itself as anger. For example, I’m afraid my children won’t love the Lord and I get angry. I get angry when my kids disobey because I’m scared I’m not good enough as a parent and that’s why they don’t obey me. But stepping back I realize it’s not about me it’s about sin in their heart.

What fear have you overcome? I need to trust God knows what he’s doing. God’s helping me grow in a lot of the fears. I used to have mini panic attacks before bible study because I didn’t think I’d be a good mentor, but God always helped me.

When was the last time you sang out loud?  This morning. I sing all the time. I wake up with a song in my head. I sang The Snake In The Grass from my kids’ church musical coming up in the spring.

What's your greatest achievement? Anything amazing is God in me, being a mom...surviving through motherhood.

What are your hobbies? I like reading Christain Historical Fiction.

What was your last recurring dream?  When I was a  kid I always dreamt of flying, falling, and raising my hand in school— I’d wake up and my hand would be raised.

What was your last DIY project? We’re working on a bedroom in the basement. I measured and hung drywall! I’m nervous to use a nail gun, but I’m going to learn to use it.

What was the last thing you splurged on? House stuff, stick on paper.

What’s your dream for the future? Flipping houses and being a landlord.

What’s your favorite place to visit? Switzerland. Costa Rica was very different. France was fun because I was in choir. I studied abroad in France but I was homesick.

If you were  famous what would it be for?   As a child I wanted to be a singer

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