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Stacey R.(33) Facebook Queen Gothika Bakery

Updated: Jan 24, 2020

I am thirty-three and have two children. I’m originally from near Manchester, in England. I’ve worked in legal for the military and for in Finance. I’ve been baking since 2014. I make birthday cakes. I specialize in fondant molding. I’ve made dragons, mini mouse, Nerf guns, and Star Wars characters.

If you could have any day repeat it self what would it be? I’d rather not repeat any day, it hasn’t been easy.

How would you describe yourself? Tired. But I’m also fun and friendly.

Do you feel the person people see in you as a person you are? People automatically assume I’m not going to be nice, but I always try to be a decent person.

Do you do any volunteering ? Yes, I volunteer with Punks with Lunch. I make up to 200 cookies every two weeks.

Would you ever shave your head? Yes. I don’t like my hair so sometimes I think of starting over. But, I would also shave my head for charity. I’ve considered it.

What was the last strange dream you had? I have lots of strange dreams. Recently, my husband woke me up because I was talking in my sleep. I was talking about pastries and I could actually feel the pastry dough in my hands.

What is one thing few people know about you? That I’m friendly. Few people give me the time to get to know me and find out I’m very nice. They’re only interested that I’m from England.

If you could swap lives with one person for a week who would it be? Buddy Velastro from Carlos’ bake shop. He’s my hero. I’ve learned a lot of baking tricks from him. What is the first thing you made? A white cake with a green dragon. Someone asked me If I could make cakes and I said I didn’t know. I tried it and it turned out I had a talent for it. What do people compliment you most on? My eyes

What beliefs do you have? I believe in science. Things have happened in my life that make it hard to believe [in a higher being]. If there were a man in the sky looking out for everything, the things that happened would’ve never happened. I believe we all have a purpose.

What do you believe your purpose is in life? My purpose is to make everyone happy with cakes. How many sad people do you see holding a cake? I was homeless at seventeen and found myself alone in the hospital. I want to make sure my girls are happy and always have a home because I didn’t.

What is your favorite book? I read everything, but my favorite book has always been the The Catcher in the Rye it was my favorite book as a child. I read it twenty or thirty times.

My children also like to read.

When you were a child what did you dream of becoming? A taxi driver. My grandfather was a taxi driver. He was my hero. He died when I was thirteen. I didn’t find my love for baking until I was in high school. It was nurtured into me by my teacher. What is the greatest shock about living here? The cold. That’s the only big difference.It’s a different kind of cold here. The culture is similar to Germany. We lived there for nine years. The stores,houses, and supermarkets look the same as in Germany..

What is your dream for the future? To open my own bakery where people can come in every day and buy my cookies, my cakes, and tarts.


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