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Victoria Anonymous (15)

If you could have one day repeat itself, what would it be? One day I could repeat? That’s it just one day! It would take me a lot of time to think about what I’d do. 

What’s your favorite food? Olive Garden’s Chicken scampi.

What’s your biggest regret? There’s not much I regret. Mistakes are learning experiences. 

What’s your favorite place to visit? My aunt’s house because it’s special having four cousins all in one house and we’re always around each other. I also like Iberostar resort in Cancun Mexico.

What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had? People wore cloaks and had triangular shaped heads. They threatened to turn me into a demon and I ran to my mom. It was scary.

Do you feel people’s first impression of you is accurate? People I’m close with see me as I am. Others see me as super sweet and kind. I’m not as sweet as they put me out to be.

What person would you swap lives with for a week? Hmmm a whole week? Maybe just a young child because I think about when I was younger I thought differently and there was much more to my imagination. When I was little and played Barbies they felt real, now it’s just a doll. 

What physical feature do you get complimented on the most? My eyes because they’re so big.

What is one thing few people know about you? I’m a pretty open person but one thing is that my sister and I get slushies together four times a week...maybe a bit more in the winter for some reason.

What’s your favorite flavor slushie? I mix cherry, Mountain Dew and whatever the current flavor is. Right now it’s unicorn—it tastes like sugar.

Do you have any talents? I don’t feel like I have talents but when I took a personality test in health class the other day it revealed that I’m very judgmental of myself and a perfectionist. So I could have talents but I can’t see them. 

What word do you always have trouble spelling? I’m going to be honest, Google Docs does it for me.I don’t write on paper very much. And I’m bad at typing so it even has to correct words that I can spell correctly.

Have you ever had a job? No, but I just applied for one. Actually, I have helped my dad landscape in the summer since I was thirteen. 

When was the last time you cried? Three weeks ago because I argued with my mom. Before that I hadn’t cried in eight months.

Tell me about the current climate in your school

 There’s a lot of tension because students are being told not to voice their political views. One would think the majority of my school would be Republican because it’s in a rural community. While a lot of people don’t care [about politics ] out of the people who do care it’s pretty half and half. Two weeks ago people started putting Trump stickers on their lockers, books, and on their cars. Last Thursday the office made an announcement not to put stickers on lockers or to voice political views. If anyone wants to hand out information to other students, the school needs to be informed five days in advance. 

What do adults need to understand about Gen Z? We’re growing up in a different type of school. A lot of classes are online or on computer. But it doesn’t mean we can’t relate. I get a lot of homework and wished the teachers were more empathetic to the students or at least communicated with other teachers so all the homework doesn’t come at once. 

What’s your dream for the future? I have no clue. I just know I want a beautiful home that I share with my husband...which hopefully I’ll have a husband one day. 

What are your spiritual beliefs? God is our creator and the one I will see when I die. When an issue comes my way I think about what the Bible would tell me what to do. How do you feel your parents divorce has affected you? That’s all I’ve ever known. It hasn’t really changed my life at all.

Communication is different, when they communicate it’s usually over the phone not in person.

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