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Wes Maharas (34) Musician Follow on Spotify

Tell me about yourself:

I'm originally from a small lake community outside of Jackson, Michigan. Fifteen years ago I came to San Diego to visit a friend. I loved the area so much that two months later I drove back with one thousand dollars in my pocket, no job, and housing lined up via a friend of a friend, in a place for which I hadn't even seen pictures.

What was your first job in San Diego?

Trader Mort's and I also telemarketed while attending Mesa College.

What instruments do you play?

A little mandolin, ukulele, drums, and keyboard. But guitar is what I play best.

Do you write your own music?

Yes. It's a blend between Rock, Reggae, Hip-Hop, and Jam-Band.

Check it out on Spotify.

How'd you meet your girlfriend?

I met Brooke eight years ago. She was a bartender and I was the barback. We had a secret romance for six months before we told anyone.

Do you have any albums out?

My first full length album is coming out this year called TO LIVE

I'm also releasing a single this Friday called FREEDOM

What is one thing few people know about you?

Brooke and I have a kid on the way, due in April.

What was your last moment of bliss?

My last show was transcendent! It was great to have a large crowd at the Holding Company and see my name up on the marquee.

Where to you usually play?

I play solo every Tuesday at Voltaire Beach House from 6-8 pm and at The Tipsy Crow every fourth Wednesday from 7-9pm.

I have two bigger shows coming up too, one next Tuesday and one February 26th.

Describe your strangest dream:

I'm in a desert with an unknown person, who tries to resist captivity while I pretend to be asleep. They capture us and put us in a holding cell, then force us to work all day long. We're constantly being supervised by guards and we have to work our way up in a systematic hierarchy, all the while we're trying to break out.

Have you ever been star-struck?

No, I stay pretty calm. Maybe I'd be star-struck if I met Metallica, Michael Jordan, or Eminem.

Do you have any spiritual beliefs?

I believe in Karma and a higher being. I was forced Catholic growing up but I saw hypocrisy.

When my mom had brain cancer she missed mass a lot, so the church refused to let us have her funeral there when she died.

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